All about Groups

What are Groups?

Groups streamlines digital learning by providing teachers with a way to create managed student accounts and securely distribute course content. Students can easily be added to Groups by importing rosters via CSV or integrating with popular platforms like Google Classroom, Microsoft Education, Clever, and ClassLink.

Educators can build engaging Wakelets containing lessons, assignments, quizzes and other materials to share instantly with their groups. Within Groups, teachers can seamlessly review student work, provide feedback, foster discussions, and track progress. Groups enables smooth remote and hybrid learning by facilitating a safe digital workspace for teachers and students to collaborate. With Wakelet Groups, educators can manage and organize a virtual learning environment with ease.

Prioritizing student safety and privacy

Wakelet takes measures to ensure a safe and secure learning environment in Groups:

  • Discovery and search functions are disabled so students can only collaborate within their group.
  • Teachers have discretion over third-party app integration based on their comfort level.
  • Compliant with COPPA, FERPA, NY Education Law 2-D and GDPR to protect student privacy and data.

Happy to review and sign any additional privacy agreements required by school districts.
Our team is dedicated to providing educators with a group tool that puts student interests first. Reach out to us at with any specific safety or compliance needs.

My peers had access to Groups but now get a blank screen when logging in

When a standard Wakelet account is imported into a Group, it gets converted to a managed student account. If the group is later deleted, those accounts do not automatically revert back to standard accounts.

If any peers were impacted by having their standard accounts converted for a Groups trial, please have them email with their account emails. Our team can assist with getting their standard account access restored

I imported students but don't see them in my Wakelet Group

For students to be properly imported into a Group, they need to have existing Wakelet accounts. If students received invites but don't appear in your Group, it likely means they need accounts first.

To resolve this:

  1. Go to your Group's settings
  2. Scroll down to the "Sync Students" section
  3. Click the "Sync" button to resend invite emails for students to create accounts and join the Group

Once students sign up for Wakelet accounts, the Sync Students process will pull them into your Group.

Should I convert 13+ student accounts to Groups?

Yes! Even if students are 13+, using Wakelet Groups provides an easy way to distribute content, manage assignments, review work, and track progress all in one place. Students over 13 can create their own standard Wakelet accounts first, then be imported into your Group.

My students were removed from the Group or can't log in

If students encounter blank screens or get automatically logged out, they likely got removed from the Group or weren't imported properly. To fix this:

  • Re-add the students to your LMS roster
  • In Wakelet Group Settings, click "Sync Students" to resend invite emails.

This will re-import them into the Group. If issues persist, create a fresh class in your LMS and import it to Wakelet.

How can students collaborate with each other?

To facilitate student collaboration, the process involves creating collections and inviting fellow students to participate. Since students are unable to initiate collections and invite peers directly, you, as a teacher, would initiate this process. However, students can still showcase their individual collections on their profiles, granting visibility to everyone within the school community. This approach ensures seamless and effective collaboration among students.

I deleted students - can I restore them?

Unfortunately, deleted student accounts cannot be restored. However, you have the option to reimport deleted students by first adding them back to your Learning Management System (LMS) roster. Subsequently, you can make use of Wakelet Groups' "Sync Students" feature to resend invitations, thus reinstating their access.

Is there a limit on the number of classes that can be imported?

If you have 200 or more classes on Google Classroom, please be aware of the limit when loading Groups through Google Classroom. We recommend using the CSV option for importing in such cases.