Wakelet accessibility features

Everyone deserves the ability to save, curate, and share. That's why we're dedicated to making Wakelet inclusive and accessible to all. We believe learning should have no barriers, and we strive to enable students to demonstrate their learning with the most intuitive tools that help them showcase their best work — photos, videos, voice notes, links, text, and much more.

Some of our accessibility features include the Immersive Reader by Microsoft, which enables students and teachers to read text aloud and translate to almost every spoken and written language. In addition, we offer keyboard navigation and a screen reader to support more accessibility needs.

With every new feature or site update to the collection page, we extensively test for accessibility, including contrast and how buttons behave. Our goal is to become substantially compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA Standards for key user flows.

If you have questions or concerns regarding Wakelet's accessibility, please email support@wakelet.com.

Technical Accessibility

  • Our goal is substantial compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA Standards for key user flows. 
  • Keyboard Navigation: Navigating the web version of Wakelet without a mouse is supported. Learn how to set up your computer to support keyboard navigation on Mac to use macOS keyboard shortcuts, on Chromebook, on PC.
  • Screen Readers: Screen readers are currently supported on the web version of Wakelet. 
  • Speech to Text or Dictation: Speech to text or dictation features are supported. Learn how to use speech to text on iOSAndroidChrome, and Edge.
  • Alt Text: Wakelet provides basic alt text for site and some user-generated content but custom alt text can be created in several ways. Learn more.
  • Voice Annotations and Instructions: Custom voice instructions and voice labels can be added using Mote. Learn more. 
  • Color Contrast, Inverting Colors, and Font Size: Basic accessibility features built into the operating system or browser for adjusting color contrast, inverting colors, zoom, increasing font size are supported on the web. On iOS, text is sized for WCAG 2.1 compliance, but modifying the text size of the app user interface is not yet supported.
  • Printing: Teachers, students, and parents can print any collections tapping [...] more options menu and selecting Print or using keyboard Ctrl + P

Supplemental Accessibility

  • Chrome Browser and Chrome OS: Turn on Live Caption to get captions for any videos or voice recordings that were recorded in English. Learn more.
  • Chrome Browser: To increase color contrast, install this Color Contrast Plugin
  • Chrome Browser: Translation for students can be enabled with this Translation Plugin.

Wakelet is complaint with Voluntary or Government Product Accessibility (GPAT, VPAT) standards.