I subscribed to a Wakelet plan but not through the official website

Here’s what you need to know about your Wakelet plans and what you can do if you’ve subscribed outside of Wakelet.

What’s considered a legitimate Wakelet plan?

Only purchases made through the official Wakelet website and apps are considered legitimate plans. Any plan purchases made outside of these official channels are considered illegal.

We regularly do audits of our users. An illegally purchased plan can result in the suspension and termination of the account, including the loss of collections created. Any illegal accounts found may also be subject to a permanent ban from using Wakelet.

How much are the official Wakelet plans?

Learn more about how much a Wakelet plan will cost for you through our pricing page.

I received a Wakelet plan offer from an individual for a minimal price, is this legitimate?

No, please refer to our pricing page for this.

Are Wakelet plans sold on other social media platforms and websites?

No, Wakelet plans are only sold on www.wakelet.com. 

You can upgrade directly from your Wakelet account.

I can’t reach the (unauthorised) seller anymore. I need my money back!

We’re very sorry but we’re unable to provide refunds for purchases made through unauthorised sellers. This is in accordance with the Limitation of Liability section of our Terms of Use.

I saw a Wakelet plan discount offer online, is this legal?

We only announce promotions and offers on our official social media accounts, emails, or newsletters. Here are links to our official global social media accounts: